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Version: RealityHub 1.3

What's New

What's New

Form Builder

Form Builder is completely renewed. Components now support the following features:

Common Features

Horizontal alignment Horizontal and vertical placement Resizing form cells

Button Component

Font sizeButton SizeCorner roundnessText colorBackground colorOptional updating bound properties

For more details on the Button component, see Button Customization

File Input

Thumbnail sizeCompact view

For more details on the File Input component, see File Input Customization


Show/Hide label




ScalingText color

Action Group

Action Group support for Nest data is added. Creating a hierarchy in JSON is now possible.


Easier column/type configuration.Adjustable row height


Support for binding
User Management

User Management is now a brand-new separate module with advanced capabilities.

Policy Management

Access management per Module/User Feature

Group Management

Combine multiple policies to assign to a groupAssign groups to groupsAssign users to groups

License Reservation

Locking license(s) to specific users

See User Management Configuration


Wide-range support for Unreal Engine 5 Vanilla

The Launcher module and RealityEngine AMPERE Led Display are integrated. AMPERE users can now monitor the Engine status through a led display module without visiting the Launcher module.


InstallationUpgrade can automatically back up the database.

Bug Fixes

Reported BugFix Details
Output connections of the Distort node may appear disconnected in certain cases.Fixed