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Version: Reality 5.3


Concepts are fundamental to understanding complex abstract subjects. This section aims to provide a glossary to keep you across the RealityHub features and its approach to control systems.


Part of a toolset for animating properties, calling, and triggering functions. See Actions


Any object can be placed into a level, such as a Camera and static mesh.

Administrative Privileges

Also known as Administrative Rights, it refers to an admin username and password of an Engine that RealityHub Server is connecting.


User who is capable of governing other users except for the Admin. See The Admin

Advanced Preview Monitor

Displaying interface for previewing an Engine scene. See APM

Cache Directory

The file directory contains a project cache. The default project cache is located in the C:\cache


Locally stored Project files.


See Nodegraph Canvas

Channel Assignment

Assigning a particular set of graphics to be rendered by an Engine(s) configuration. See Channel Assignment


See RealityHub Client


The method employed by the RealityHub documentation can help you distinguish various entities such as nodes, property groups, etc. See How to Read this Documentation

Command Prompt

Also known as cmd.exe or cmd, is the default command-line interpreter for Microsoft Windows.

Community Edition

Free-to-download version of RealityHub. See FAQ


Building block for data-driven content. Components are part of the Form Builder module. See Form Builder Components

Configuration Mode

Engine Launch mode with no operation restrictions. See Launcher Interface

Connected Loader

The menu lists the connected Reality Loaders. It can be reached by clicking on the Version Number. See Reality Loader


Storing contents and assets in platform-specific format particular formats. See Cook Manager

Data Directory

A file directory for installing and storing RealityHub Database. See Installation

Database Credentials

Collective name of the Database Username, Database Password, and Database Name. See Installation


See RealityHub Database


A feature allows the internal behavior of the node to be investigated. See Node Structure

Engine Ping Interval

The time that RealityHub waits between ping packets. It is measured in seconds. See General Engine Configuration

Engine Timeout

The duration that RealityHub waits for a response from your Engine before identifying changes.

Engine Type

Supported Engine type & version. It refers to the Engine selection operation in the Renderer section of the Launcher module. See Launcher


Also known as exposing a parameter, the operation that allows suitable Engine elements (such as parameter, function, property, etc.) to be accessible by RealityHub.

Field Settings

Set of management tools for Form Builder elements such as Form Builder Components. Every Form Builder entity has Field Settings.


Also known as a search filter, a tool for refining the search results of a particular module.

Fixed Port

Standard designated port for establishing communication between RealityHub Server and Reality Loader.


A feature provides input to various nodes to control them in a three-dimensional space. See Node Structure


Nodegraph operations for multi-Engine configurations. See Gang Mode


The Engine that hosts Projects.


Windows computer name of the Engine you want to reach and control via RealityHub.

HTTP IP Address

The IP address RealityHub listens. See Installation


The Port RealityHub Server accepts connections.

Installation Path

File path where the Engine is installed.

License Locking

See License Reservation

Live Mode

Engine Launch mode with various operational restrictions. See Launcher Interface


License type related to version upgrading within a certain period of time. See Licensing

Management Object

Policies, and User and User Groups sections of the Advanced User Management Module.


Main units of the RealityHub.


Act of previewing Engine scene. See APM


A node is an object, such as an event, function call, flow control operation, variable, etc., that can be used in the RGraph to define the functionality of the particular blueprint that contains it. See Node Structure

Nodegraph Canvas

A virtual board for conducting nodegraph operations. See Nodegraph

Nodegraph Template

Set of RGraphs shipped with RealityHub.

Node Tree

Two or more connected Nodes. See Operating Nodegraph


Type of Policy without administrative rights. Members of the Non-administrative policy cannot use User Management and Configuration modules. See Advanced User Management

Playout Template Form

A template form inside the Playout module. See Form Builder & Playout


Set of rules for module/user feature accessibility. Advanced User Management

Reality Loader

An application allows you to connect RealityHub Server to Engines. See Reality Loader

RealityHub Client

User-side of the RealityHub. User operations, such as connecting two nodes, occur via the client side through RealityHub User Interface.

RealityHub Database

Organized collection of structured information stored in the dbdata folder, contains RGraphs, Actions, etc. See Database Backup and Restore

RealityHub Database Service

Microsoft Windows Service to run RealityHub Database.

RealityHub Service

Microsoft Windows Service to run RealityHub.

RealityHub URL

HTTP IP Address and Port for communication with RealityHub Server. See Reality Loader


Engine configuration for rendering the Project. See Launcher


Button for synchronizing the gen-lock time, and I/O systems, including tracking and Video I/O. See Launcher Interface


Logic-based pipelines consist of node trees. See RGraph

Shared DDC

Network drive that all Engines can read/write derived data. See General Engine Configuration

Shared Folder

File path contains the Project that is accessible with RealityHub for launching. See Launcher

Status Colors

Engine status color indicators. See Status Colors & RealityEngine AMPERE Led Display

System ID

A unique ID of the system. It must be delivered to the Licensing Team for any inquiry. See Licensing

The Admin

The first & default user. It is created during the installation. See Role of the Admin and Administrators


State of an exposed parameter inside the RealityHub. See Controlling Unreal Engine & UState