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Version: Reality 5.4 SP3

RossTalk Integration

The RossTalk configuration is used to send triggers via a network to control the flow of the Reality Hub Lino Rundown.


  1. RossTalk Interface Configuration: Before configuring RossTalk on Reality Hub, configure your system's RossTalk interface. During this configuration, you will need the Reality Hub Server IP address, port number, and a list of supported commands, which are provided in the following paragraphs.
  2. Reality Hub RossTalk Configuration: After setting up the RossTalk interface, configure the Reality Hub RossTalk settings.
  3. Lino Module Setup: Once the Reality Hub configuration is complete, move to the Lino module and start your Rundown Engine. See Controlling Lino.
  4. Start Communication: The final step is to initiate the RossTalk communication with Reality Hub.

Reality Hub RossTalk Configuration

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RossTalk Configuration in Reality Hub

  • Port: This port is used for communication. It must match the port configured in Ross Overdrive settings.
  • Encoding: Specifies the encoding format, such as UTF-8.
  • Start/Stop: Used to start and stop the RossTalk communication socket.
  • Rundown Engine: Select the Lino Rundown Engine.
  • Auto Preview: If you have a playlist in Lino, the preview is triggered automatically. In automation, commands are sent to the corresponding sockets. For example:
    • The CUE command prepares the system.
    • The NEXT command advances to the next item.
    • When an item is played, the next item is triggered for preview. It is important to manage the commands sent for correct automation.
  • Item ID:
    • Default: The default ID in the Lino playlist, e.g., #1.
    • MOS | objID: If you receive a rundown from MOS, the IDs may be different and are not visible in the UI. Use the objectID from the MOS playlist.
    • MOS | storyID.itemID: In some cases, the objectID is not unique (e.g., when copying and pasting items in the playlist). To avoid conflicts, use a combination of storyID and itemID specific to MOS.
  • Custom Commands: RossTalk is an open protocol, allowing you to add custom commands as needed.

RossTalk Commands Implemented in Reality Hub

CLRAClears all framebuffers.
CLRBNo description available.
CUE takeid:buffer:layerPrepares take item takeid to go to air next in framebuffer number buffer on layer number layer. For example, CUE 3:2:-5 prepares to load take item 3 into framebuffer 3 and onto layer -5.
DOWNMove the current selection in the sequencer to the item below it in the list.
FOCUS takeidSet the sequencer focus to the take item number takeid. For example, FOCUS 0005 sets the focus to take item 0005.
LAYEROFF buffer:layerTakes a scene in framebuffer number buffer on layer number layer off air using the defined out transition. For example, LAYEROFF 0000:2 removes the scene on layer 2 of framebuffer 0000 (the first framebuffer).
NEXTTake the current take item in the sequencer to air and advance the current selection to the next item in the list.
READTake the current selection in the sequencer to air.
RESUME bufferResumes all layers in framebuffer number buffer. For example, RESUME 0000 resumes all layers in framebuffer 1.
RESUME buffer:layerResumes layer number layer in framebuffer number buffer. For example, RESUME 0000:2 resumes layer 2 in framebuffer 1.
SEQI takeid:layerLoads the take item takeid to air on layer number layer to the output channel selected in the template. For example, SEQI 0005:7 loads take item 0005 onto layer 7.
SEQO takeidTakes the take item takeid off-air. For example, SEQO 0005 takes the template with TakeID 5 off-air.
SWAP bufferLoads all the take items that are currently in the cued state to air in framebuffer number buffer. For example, SWAP 0 takes all the cued take items in framebuffer 1 to air.
TAKE takeid:buffer:layerLoads take item takeid to air in framebuffer number buffer on layer number layer. For example, TAKE 5:0:7 loads the template with TakeID 5 into framebuffer 1 and onto layer 7.
UNCUEALLRemoves all cued items from the cued state.
UPMove the current selection in the sequencer to the item above it in the list.
UPNEXT takeidSets the preview to the take item takeid in the sequencer without moving the focus bar.