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Version: Reality 5.5 SP1

Creating Rundown Engine

Rundown Engine is responsible for managing and automating the complete Lino rundown workflow. To function properly, it requires to binded with a Lino Engine through proper hostname, rundown server and remote control ports.

  • Go to Main Menu > Rundown Engines Configuration and select Rundown Engines.

Rundown Engines

  • In the Rundown Engines panel, click the Add button, as shown above.

Engine Selection

  • Select the engine from the Engines popup menu.

Rundown Engines Details

  • Predefined Rundown Engine Details are ready.

Rundown Engine Start

  • In the Rundown Engines panel, click the Start button.


When adding a Rundown Engine, it comes with predefined Rundown Server Port and Remote Control Port. The default values usually suffice for correct configuration but depend on your environment. For instance, if ports 30020 or 30030 are already in use, you need to modify the Lino Engine Project Settings.


It is recommended to verify if the ports used by Lino are available. To do that run the following Windows command and check LISTENING ports:

netstat -an | findstr 300

Poll Levels: This checkbox should be enabled if a design change is made while the engine is running. When enabled, it checks every 5 seconds for new levels added to a project or for changes made to the template design. If unchecked, changes are not monitored.