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Version: Reality 5.5 SP1

Operating Playout

Reality Example

This section utilizes Reality Example project with Main Level Map.


  • Launch the Reality Example project with Main Level Map through the Launcher module.

Example Node Network with APM

  • Create the node network, and then activate the APM, as shown in the image above.
  • Locate the Spotlight_Controls_2.jxd and copy its file path.

Default file path for Spotlight_Controls_2.jxd: C:\Program Files\Zero Density\Reality\5.4\Templates\TP_RE_ExampleTemplate\Resources

Form Builder Module

  • Activate the Form Builder module, then click on the Import button, as shown above.

Import Template Form

  • Click on the Template File button and import the Spotlight_Controls_2.jxd file.

Channel Assignment for Imported Template Form

Choosing Template Form

  • Click on the Open Form button and select the Spotlight_Controls_2, as illustrated above.

Spotlight Control Template Form

Spotlight_Controls_2 template form is successfully imported.

  • Switch to the Playout module.

Playout Operations

Playout Module

As soon as you switch to the Playout module, Spotlight_Controls_2 template form will be listed inside the Templates section. Selecting is shows its details, as illustrated above.

  • Drag & drop the Spotlight_Controls_2 template into Rundown Area.

Now you can transmit Spotlight_Controls_2 property changes into your pipeline.

RT (Realtime) Operations

In the example above, Realtime (RT) option was enabled. On the other hand, RT is disabled by default in any bounded node property. If you enable the RT on a component inside the Form Builder, any modifications made will be immediately reflected in the live environment even when you are typing.

Disabling Realtime Update

In some workflows, non-Realtime workflow may be preferred. To achieve it, first you have to disable it inside the Form Builder, then save the form template, as illustrated above.

Assigning Shortcut

Field Settings

  • Make sure that you enabled Show In Rundown option in the Field Settings of a button, as shown above.

Assigning Shortcut

  • Click on the Edit Keyboard Shortcuts button, select a Rundown Item
  • Click on a three-button combination on your keyboard that contains two of the ⌃ CTRL, ⌥ ALT, and ⇧ SHIFT buttons and one other character. (Example ⌃ CTRL + ⌥ ALT + ⇧ SHIFT + K)

Various special characters and keyboard shortcuts may not work in your case. To set an example, if you try to assign ⌃ CTRL + ⇧ SHIFT + N button combination will fail because the keyboard combination is already assigned to the New Incognito Window shortcut of the browser.

  • Click on the Edit Keyboard Shortcut button again.