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Version: Reality 4.27

Activating Destructible Mesh

In this tutorial, we will destroy a destructible mesh using property binding from Reality Editor to Reality Setup. Destructible Mesh is a mesh form that could be destructed by having damage. We are planning to destruct a mesh during on run-time by exposing a variable into Reality Setup.

This tutorial focuses on two learning topics:

  • Have knowledge about “OnChanged_” function definition.
  • Understanding the ZD ACTOR component.

Getting Started

  • Go to STARTER CONTENT → PROPS folder. Search for "rock" and right-click on SM_Rock and click CREATE DESTRUCTIBLE MESH

  • SM_Rock_DM will appear after clicking on the CREATE DESTRUCTIBLE MESH

  • Double Click on SM_Rock_DM. Click FRACTURE MESH

  • On the Destructible Settings panel, check ENABLE IMPACT DAMAGE. Close the SM_Rock_DM window.


  • Select ACTOR

  • Rename it as DestructibleActor. Double click on it.



  • Click Destructible on Components tab. In the Details Panel(on the right-side) under Destructible Component category Select Destructible Mesh as SM_Rock_DM.

  • Click ADD NEW and VARIABLE under My Blueprint tab.

  • Click on variable on Variables tab. Rename the variable as isDestructible and make it public(instance editable) on Details Panel(on the right side of screen).

  • Click ADD NEW and FUNCTION on My Blueprint tab.

  • Rename the function name as OnChanged_isDestructible.


Important Node: The function name follows this pattern OnChanged_isDestructible.

  • Connect the nodes as shown in below. Make sure that Damage Amount is 50.0 and Impulse Strength is 1.0

  • Click COMPILE and SAVE on top menu. Close the blueprint.

  • Put your DestructibleActor into level.

  • Launch Reality Setup.
  • Click Play on Reality Editor.

  • On Reality Setup, click DestructibleActor. Under the default panel make Is Destructible true and see the changes.