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Version: Reality 5.5 SP1

Keyer FoV Softness

Keyer FoV Softness node calculates a pixel softness value based on its TrackFOV pin to be used as as Core Matte softness value and automatically manages the edge softness of the keyer according to the camera lens's Field of View. This ensures pixel-perfect softness for the keyed output at every Field of View step.


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Core Matte Property Group

  • Select the Reality Keyer node and expand the Core Matte property group.

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Softness Property

  • Right-click on the Softness property and select the Show as input option from the node property context menu. Softness property is exposed as input pin, as shown above.
  • Add a Break node to the nodegraph canvas.

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  • Connect the Track output pin of your Track node (in our example it is Xync node) into Break node's input, as illustrated above.

Since Break node is a Dynamic Node, its adopts the primary node's output pin structure.

  • Add a Keyer FOV Softness node to nodegraph canvas.
  • Connect the Break Track node's fov output pin into TrackFOV input pin of the Keyer FOV Softness node.
  • Connect the Softness output pin of Keyer FOV Softness node to Reality Keyer's Softness input pin.