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Version: Reality 5.5

Lino Concepts

  • Motion Design Project: Refers to a Motion Design project created within the Lino Editor.
  • Lino Editor: Unreal Engine Vanilla based application where you create your content.
  • Lino Engine: Specific computer configuration that renders your Lino scene.
  • Rundown Engine: The system responsible for managing and automating the complete rundown workflow. To function properly, it requires to binded with a Lino Engine with proper hostname, rundown server and remote control ports.

Currently, only one Engine Hardware can be assigned to Rundown Engine.

  • Rundown Item: Content that is scheduled for broadcast.
  • Rundown: Playlist like panel that contains organized sequences of content.
  • VS Item (Virtual Studio Item): Refers to rundown items to be used in virtual studio production. It is different from Lino Rundown items.

VS Items are designed in the Form Builder module while Lino Rundown Items are designed in Lino Editor.