Creating Animation with Actions
In this section, we'll create a Fly In type of animation. Since Fly Out is the reverse of Fly In, you might want to check the Reversing Animation section as well. To achieve Fly In, we'll animate the Rotation Offset node's Y and Z properties (controlling Tilt and Pan) and the Location Offset node's X, Y, and Z properties. You can also animate the Roll by adjusting the X property of the Rotation Offset node.
Fly In Animation
We'll use the Initial Keyframe method, where the last keyframes show the final camera position. For example, if you want to end the animation like the video in the Introduction section at 0:17 seconds, ensure your broadcast camera is fully zoomed out and displays the desired ending shot.
Create a New Action:
- Activate the Actions module and click on the New Action button. Rename it to something like "Fly In."
Add Properties to Timeline:
- Select the Rotation Offset node and go to the Properties panel.
- Right-click on the Y property and select Timeline from the Node Property Context Menu.
- Right-click on the Z property and select Timeline.
- Select the Location Offset node and go to the Properties panel.
- Right-click on the X, Y, and Z properties and select Timeline from the Node Property Context Menu.
Add Keyframes:
- Navigate to the Actions module.
- Right-click on each action property and select Add Keyframe.
- Move the Playhead to the 4th second.
- Right-click on each action property again and select Add Keyframe.
Adjust Interpolation:
- Select each first keyframe one by one, go to Animation Interpolation, and change the keyframe interpolation to Initial.
- Optionally, change the interpolation to EaseInOut for a smoother animation.
Save the Animation:
- Save your animation.
Fly Out Animation
At this stage, you'll define the beginning of your animation, so the last keyframes will show where you want your Reality camera to be at the start. For example, if you want to start like the video in the Introduction section at 0:04 seconds:
Create a New Action:
- Click on the New Action button and rename it (e.g., "Fly Out").
Add Properties to Timeline:
- Repeat the steps from the Fly In section to add the Y and Z properties of the Rotation Offset node and the X, Y, and Z properties of the Location Offset node to the Timeline.
Add Keyframes and Adjust Properties:
- Navigate to the Actions module.
- Right-click on each action property and select Add Keyframe.
- Move the Playhead to the 4th second.
- Adjust the properties of the Location Offset and Rotation Offset nodes based on your requirements. For example, you might set the Rotation Offset's Y and Z properties to 20 and the Location Offset's X, Y, Z properties to 500, resulting in a 500 cm offset in the X, Y, and Z directions and a 20-degree offset in Pan and Tilt.
Save and Preview:
- Save the animation.
- Click the Play button to check the results.