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Version: Reality 5.5 SP1

Example Pipeline


Please keep that in mind, the example you are going to proceed with is based on our R&D studio. Various aspects might differ from your setup. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our Support Department.

Preliminary Preparation

Example Node Network

  • Prepare your scene, launch it via Reality Hub Launcher module.
  • Drag & drop the UE5 processing node into Nodegraph canvas.
  • Create two Reality Cameras. See Actor Spawning.
  • Add AJAIn and AJAOut nodes, select your devices and outputs based on your setup.
  • Create your Track node. (In our example it will be the Xync Node)

Modifying Curve XR Node

Camera Connections

  • Add Curve XR node to the canvas.
  • Change the following properties based on your measurements: Pitch Angle, Cell Width, Cell Height, Columns Count, Rows Count, Left Tilt/Roll and Right Tilt/Roll, Height Offset, Left Point and Right Point, Cell Resolution, Canvas Resolution.
  • Duplicate the modified Curve XR node.
  • Connect the RealityCamera0.Scene output of the UE5 node to Inner Frustum View of the Curve XR node.
  • Connect the RealityCamera1.Scene output of the UE5 node to Outer Frustum View of the Curve XR node.

Preparing Inner Frustum Track

  • Create Add Track node.
  • Connect the Track output of Xync node to the X input of the Add Track node.

To address a delay in the Inner Frustum at certain zoom levels, which causes a collision with the outer frustum, we must provide additional FOV input for tracking. Our example requires an additional 10-degree field of view (FOV).


This delay is inherent to the tracking process and rendering of the inner frustum.

Additional FOV for Inner Frustum Track

  • Expand the Y property and change the FOV property to 10.
  • Connect the Z output of the Add Track node into Inner Frustum Track input pin of the Curve XR node.

Pan, tilt, and roll can now be performed independent of zoom level without causing collisions.

Preparing Outer Frustum Track

Preparing Outer Frustum Track

  • Create a Break node.
  • Connect the Track output of Xync node into Break node’s Input pin. Now we have access to Track data. For more details, see Dynamic Nodes.
  • Create a Make Track node.
  • Connect every Break Track node’s output to the matching inputs of the Make Track node, except for Rotation and fov pins.

Inner Frustum rendered based on where the camera is looking and what is its resolution. On the other hand, the Outer Frustum render continues even if the camera is looking towards a different direction than the LED Screen, because the main purpose of it is to illuminate the scene and talent.

No matter what zoom level you are in, Outer Frustum must always encompass the LED screen, therefore Outer Frustum’s FOV must be fixed.

In the following steps, you need to get the Rotation and FOV data from your Track while framing the LED screen with your studio camera and keeping the zoom level zero, but the driver still will be the Inner Frustum, the first Track Node we added.


Example of Framing Studio Camera

  • Frame the LED screen with your studio camera and keep the zoom level at zero, as illustrated above.

Overriding FOV

  • Create an Add f32 node.
  • Connect the fov output of the Break node into the X input of the Add f32 node.
  • Connect the Z output of the Add f32 node to the fov input of the Make Track node.

Now we have the FOV value in the full zoom out while our camera is framing the LED screen. On the other hand, the driver still will be the Inner Frustum. Therefore, we need to disconnect the X output of the Add f32 node from the fov.

  • Disconnect the fov output of the Break node from the X input of the Add f32 node.

Additional FOV


As the above image suggests, Outer Frustum is rendering with 97 FOV. We need to increase the FOV X and Y by 30 degrees to compensate. With this change, Outer Frustum will project the image onto LED screen with 127 degrees to encompass the LED screen.

Example Pipeline

  • Create an Add vec3 node and connect its Z output to Rotation input of the Make Track node.
  • Connect the rotation output pin of the Break Track to X input of the Break node.
  • Disconnect the Z output of the Add vec3 node to the fov input of the Make Track node.
  • Connect the Canvas output of the Curve XR node to AJAOut, as illustrated above.

Curved LED

Our scene is successfully projected on the Curved LED.