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Version: Reality 5.5 SP1

Undo Redo

Undo & Redo records each modification made to the graph, enabling you to navigate through your changes. It captures a chronological sequence of graph operations, allowing you to revert or reapply changes as needed.

Undo: Revert the most recent operation performed on the graph. This includes actions such as adding or removing nodes, connecting or disconnecting pins, and modifying node properties. The undo functionality allows you to step back through your changes, restoring the graph to its previous state.

Redo: Reapply an operation that was previously undone. This feature allows you to reintroduce changes that were rolled back.


Undo & Redo

  1. Undo: Clicking on it reverts your last performed operation.
  2. Redo: Clicking on it reapply your last performed operation.
  3. History: Clicking and holding your mouse on it opens the history.