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Version: Traxis Talent Tracking 2.1

Adding Engines

Engine Targeting allows you to configure which Engine(s) will receive FreeD data from specific talent(s) through a designated port(s).

Multi-Talent Engine Targeting

Target Engines Property Group

  • Go to General Configuration > Target Engines
  • Find your Engine IP Address and add it to the Engine IP field.
  • Define a unique UDP Port number
  • Select a Talent ID based on the Talent Door

Adding Engines - Multi-Talent Example

The example image above indicates that:

Clicking on the Add button will send Talent ID 1's FreeD data to Engine on IP Address and Port 6969. By employing this method, you can send different talent-tracking data to different Engines.


Talent ID property will inherit the Talent Door's color.


Please choose a unique UDP Port where no other process involves. Otherwise, port number conflicts disrupt the functionality of TRAXIS Talent Tracking.

Single Talent Engine Targeting

Adding Engine - Single-Talent Example

If your license does not include the Multi-Talent, you must choose Talent ID 1 to send tracking data to the targeted Engine. If you choose a Door ID other than Talent ID 1, FreeD data will not be sent to your Engine.

See also: Broadcasting Talent