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Version: Traxis Camera Tracking 1.1

Preparing Setup Area

While the specific requirements of different studios may vary, the following recommendations can provide valuable guidance for optimizing the camera tracking experience for customers in the context of Traxis Camera Tracker operation.

Setup Area Size:

  • Ensure sufficient space for cameras and flexibility for adjustments.
  • Choose elevated camera placement for better coverage.

Minimal Foot Traffic:

  • Select an area with minimal foot traffic to maintain calibration.


  • Avoid reflective and deformable flooring; use surface mats if necessary.

Reducing IR Interference:

  • Minimize ambient light interference in the setup area.
  • Block sunlight and remove unnecessary IR light sources.
  • Consider masking IR lights during calibration but use in small quantities.

IR White Objects:

  • Be cautious with dark-colored objects that may reflect IR light.


  • Remove unnecessary obstacles from the capture volume.
  • Eliminate reflective objects or use non-reflective tapes to cover them.