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Version: Traxis Camera Tracking 1.1

Adding Tracker

Tracker Configuration

The next step after adding the camera is to adding tracker.

To do that:

  • Click on the New button, as illustrated above.

Add Tracker

  • Select a tracker from the Tracker Type dropdown menu.

Selecting Calibration File

  • Navigate to the calibration file you've exported from Motive, select it, then click open.

Profile File

Navigate to the profile file you've exported from Motive, select it, then click open.

Tracker Added

Defining Tracker Type, adding Calibration and Profile file is completed.


Selecting Tracker

  • Select the Camera you defined.
  • Navigate to Tracker section and select a Tracker from the dropdown menu.
  • Go to Tracker Body and select the Rigid Body you created inside the Motive.

Tracker & TrackBody

Tracker is successfully added.

See also:

Tracker Types