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Version: Traxis Camera Tracking 1.1



The Video module consist of the following parts:

  1. 3D Coordinate Display: Visual representation of the three-dimensional X, Y, and Z unit vectors on the 3D space.
  2. Project Name: The name of your current project.
  3. View Mode Selector: Dropdown menu to select and change the viewport perspective.
  4. Lock the View: Checkbox to lock the camera to the current object, instead of the current scene.
  5. Viewport: Multifunctional interface element that combines 3D camera visualization, tracking data display, and studio camera feed inspection into a single space.
  6. Status Bar: UI element that provides real-time information such as Sync Source and Camera.
  7. Sync Source: Name of source device used for synchronization. See Defining Sync Source
  8. Camera: Shows the selected camera source. See Adding Camera
  9. Tracker: Displays the selected tracker.
  10. Lens: Displays the active lens.