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Version: Traxis Camera Tracking 1.1

Lens Calibration

Lens Calibration Property Group

Lens Calibration property group allows you to fine-tune and various lens calibration related settings such as offsetting focal length or exporting current calibration.


Please keep that in mind, lens calibration can be done via Lens Calibration module.

  • Calibration Name: Allows naming lens calibration.
  • Focal Length Offset: Focal Length Offset is the non-standard distance (positive or negative) between the lens and the camera body dependent on the wear and tear of the mechanical connection.
  • Image Height & Width: Sets the sensor size of the camera, which is used in calculating the field of view and the scale of certain distortions of the lens.

Current Calibration

  • Reset: Sets all lens calibration parameters to default, blank values.
  • Import / Export: Allows saving the lens configuration to a file, and also importing from an existing file. This is useful when you calibrated one lens in the studio and want to replicate the configuration to other cameras in the studio which use the same lens.

In this scenario,

  • Export the configuration from the camera where you performed the calibration.
  • Create a new camera
  • Import the configuration to this new camera
  • Tweak the calibration as required.

Another use case for Import is for loading existing lens calibration files, such as the lens calibration files that are distributed as a part of Reality 5.