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Version: Traxis Camera Tracking 1.1


Tracker Property Group

The Tracker property group enables you to select the Tracker and Tracker Body to use with the camera. It also provides options for adjusting your Camera Body, Tracking Space, etc. through corresponding offsets.

  • Tracker: The tracker provider that this camera will use.
  • Tracker Body: The name of the 'body' of the tracker that this camera will use. Note that most trackers can track multiple bodies at the same time.
  • Tracking Space Offset (X, Y, Z) & (Pan, Tilt, Roll): These properties allow you to offset the tracking space. This is mainly useful when there are multiple trackers, which all have different origin points. One such example would be multiple PTZ cameras in the studio which all assume that they are located at the origin of (0,0,0). To enable consistent track information from all these cameras,
    • Pick a physical center of origin in the studio.
    • Measure the offset of each PTZ camera to this center of origin.
    • Enter the measured distances to the 'Tracking Space Offset' of each camera.
    • Adjust the pan/tilt/roll angles if required (i.e., if the cameras are not all planar)
  • Camera Body Offset (X, Y, Z) & (Pan, Tilt, Roll): These properties allow you to offset the sensor point of the camera body relative to the Traxis TrackBody. Most cameras have a sensor plane indicator which shows where the sensor lies inside the camera. This distance shall be measured with respect to the center point of the TrackBody.